Potential buyer search for gold and powder ingots

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1 €


Hello everyone

My name is BRIGHT Simons.I am originally from Congo.I am a 30 year old trader looking for potential buyer of a quantity of gold ingots and powder.Indeed, I inherited them from my deceased father who has been dead for years. I discovered these hidden and abandoned gold bars and powders in one of my father's houses in the country after years of his death. If I want to sell these gold bars and powder, it is to be able to enhance liquidity, invest in my projects and in my trade. Know that it is a secure sale, reliable, without problem, without protocol and without conflict for you who would be interested in my offer because I am the only legitimate heritage that is to say his only child. So then for more information about my offer, please write to me directly at my email address below: PS: No serious person abstain. Very serious business.

E-mail address: (simonsbright@gmail.com)

Thank you

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ID annonce : 58320
5 Années, 4 Moiss
2786 Vues

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simonsbright (3)
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