vente de l'or brut 22 carats

Populaire A vendre

3,100 USD


We are a group of villagers who are looking for a reliable and reliable buyer, for the sale and export of gold powder and ingot metal we work with the cooperative of the artisans of gold and diamond origin researchers ( Mali, Burkina Faso Ghana Etc) you can move the artist on paris, the living expenses are the responsibility of the artisan and you can have the gold or diamond checked by the expert of your choice above all purchase.

Quantity: 400 Kilograms

Quality: 22 Carats +

Nature: metal (AU) powder

Purity rate: 92%

  Contact us if you are interested to know the characteristics of the gold and the export procedure.



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ID annonce : 47509
Rue 229,Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada - K1A
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2219 Vues

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damien.sossou (1)
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