
170 CFA


  • I want to testify of the good work done by a faithful drkhanandmamaafrah, spell casters. in my life, I never thought there is such a thing as love spell intercession. My problem started nine months back when the father of my kids started putting up some strange behavior. I never knew he was having an affair outside our home. It dawn on me on that faithful day when he came to the house to pick up his things, that was when I knew the situation has gotten out of hand. He told me he was quitting the marriage which I have built for over five years. I was confused and dumbfounded. I called on family and friends but to no avail. Two months after I started having problems with my kid’s welfare rent-age and all of it. I really went through hell. Until one day I was browsing on the internet and I happened to meet a spell caster. I never believed on this but I needed my man back so I told the spell caster my problem. At first, I never trusted him. So I was just doing it but you know a problem shared is half solved. After 2 days my husband called me telling me that he is coming back home and that was all. Now we are living happily. Contact him on this or call:+27722695559 or his Website:

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ID annonce : 32083
Johannesburg Park Station, Johannesburg, South Africa,Cameroun - 10001
6 Années, 3 Moiss
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Dr. Khan (3)
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