Populaire A vendre

3,500 USD


We are looking for partners or buyers for short-term and long-term purchase agreements for the sale of Copper Wire Scrap and Gold powder (Alluvial, Nuggest, Bars...).

We have on stock a large amount of recycled copper wire scrap to sell for exporting to any destination in the world through buy request agreement or partnership agreement and Gold Powder.

Any intention of purchase would be welcome. You have the possibility and opportunity to visit us notify the goods and do your ordr according to your needs.

Witing for answers in shortly!

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Année 2005
Disponibilité 7h - 18 h GMT

Détails de l'annonce

ID annonce : 35989
128.652, Route de l'aéroport, Cotonou Bénin,Cotonou, Bénin - 12546 Cotonou Benin
6 Années, 3 Moiss
3159 Vues

Information sur l'annonceur

joseph.robertr721 (1)
+22 996 574 987
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